Cosmetic Dentistry Is Now Affordable Read This!
Are you too embarrassed to smile? Do you have cavities or obvious discoloration on your teeth that keeps you from smiling? Youre not the only one who has this problem. There are many people that have basic dental needs that are unable to get taken care of because its just too expensive. This is completely natural to feel this way and it really has a negative impact on a persons self-esteem after awhile. Is there anything that can be done about it? Read on.
Cosmetic dentistry, for most people anyway, is a luxury. Dental insurance does not cover it, even if you have had the policy for a long period of time because it is not considered necessary. Im referring to things such as teeth whitening or bleaching.
There is one option that you may not have heard of. Its called a dental discount plan. Dental discount plans are not insurance, they are simply a discount for service fee that enables you to save a substantial amount of money off of every day dental needs. Standard savings are anywhere from 10 to 60%, depending on the service needed, the area in which you live and the plan which you choose. You must see a participating dentist within the network.
Not all dental discount plans cover cosmetic dentistry either, however, there are a few that do. The savings on cosmetic dentistry is normally around 20%, which doesnt seem like a whole lot, but the savings can still be substantial. Think about it for a moment. 20% of a $200 procedure will save you $40. This is just an example, of course. The cost to participate in most of these dental discount plans start out at around $80 annually for an individual and around $150 annually or a family.
Cosmetic dentistry is not the only thing covered on these plans. Youll also save on just about any other dental procedure that you can think of such as dentures, bridge work, cleanings, extractions, x-rays and much, much more. If you dont currently have any type of dental care plan, a highly recommend that you take a look at dental discount plans. Their the best deal around.
For more info, you can visit this page on www.dentistrysafe.com
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Cosmetic Dentistry Is Now Affordable Read This!