Things You Need To Know For Effective Singing Lessons}

Submitted by: Sarah C. Tan

All the things you learn from your voice lessons are meant to be applied in a practical setting. Everything would turn worthless if you are not able to translate your learning into singing skills. For your singing lessons to be more effective, you have to complement the things you learn with your own effort.

Moreover, your teacher will probably give noteworthy tips such as practicing, performing warm-ups, and taking care of your health to help you become a better singer and attain your goals. These pointers are often taught in singing schools, but you have the liberty to follow or reject them.

Yet, going an extra mile than what is required in your lessons can help you advance faster in your goal of becoming a singer. Here are the important pointers that you need to keep in mind to make your lessons more effective:

A Good Vocal Coach Will Bring You a Long Way


When starting out as a singer, your first mission to scout for singing schools which house competent and personable vocal teachers. It is important that your teacher communicates well and inspires you. No matter how good the voice of the teacher is, if she is not able to help you get the proper techniques in singing, it would be futile studying with her.

You have to find teachers whose expertise and experiences are aligned with your goals as a singer. If you want to audition for a musical play, you have to look for a teacher who has background in theatres or musicals. If your interest is singing on stage and getting record deals, look for a vocal coach who has exposure on this side of the music industry.

Practice is as Important as Your Lessons

Your singing lessons will give you the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques from your teacher. But an hour or two of singing class is not enough for you to hone the skill you just learned and continue improving on it. As a student, it is your duty to practice what you have just learned so you can advance faster in your goal. If you just learned a new song or breathing technique from your latest lesson, continue practicing this new skill at home to develop the technique.

You have to keep in mind though that you do not necessarily have to practice for a long time. Short but regular practice is more effective. You can practice for several times a day for a few minutes each session, but remember to avoid exhausting your voice.

Respect Your Health

Your voice is your only tool and you have to take care of it. Unlike musical instruments, which can be easily replaced, the voice is quite difficult if not impossible to salvage. There are a lot of things you have to avoid if you want to keep your voice fit and beautiful. Smoking and caffeine are not only bad for your body, but they both ruin the quality of your voice.

You will also learn from your singing lessons that enough sleep and sufficient water are important if you want to keep the singing quality of your voice for a longer time.

About the Author: Sarah Tan is a music instructor in Singapore who loves to share her extensive knowledge of music and the art of performing to her students and blog readers. Visit her site at

or call 8168 8251.


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