Submitted by: Adriana P Noton
Diamonds are as beautiful as they are expensive. Before you buy diamond rings, you probably want to learn a little about them. The more you know about them, you will not only select the best ring you can afford; you will also make sure you’re not being taken.
Setting your budget should be your first step. If you are buying an engagement ring, the typical standard is that it shouldn’t cost more than two times your monthly salary. Of course, this also depends on how much cash you have on hand and how much of the cost you expect to pay off over time. Regardless of the traditional standard, make sure you can truly afford what you’ve budgeted.
The best way to know how much gemstone you can afford and make sure you get the best quality gem you can is to know about the four Cs. A diamond’s value is based mostly on four factors: carat, color, clarity, and cut. Every stone has a certificate that states its specific attribute for each factor.
The carat of the stone is its weight. This is probably the one attribute with which people are already most familiar. One carat equals 0.2 grams. So a three carat diamond weighs 0.6 grams. Most people equate the size of a gem with its worth. However, depending on it’s color, cut, and clarity, a smaller stone can be more valuable.
The color of the diamond is an attribute of white diamonds. It really identifies the lack of discoloration in the stone. The clearer the gem, the better the light moves through it, which it makes sparkle more brilliantly. The color is represented by a letter grade. The highest grade is ‘D, ‘ which means colorless. The lower down the alphabet you go, the lower the color value of the stone.
Because you can see through a diamond, its clarity is also important. Clarity refers to any flaws that might exist on and within the stone. First, a perfect diamond is very rare. There are five levels of clarity grading from flawless (F) to small flaws easily detectable under 10x magnification (SI1-SI2). Its official clarity rating will affect its price, but you can rarely see any flaws with the naked eye. If that’s the case, this is a good place to find some economies.
The final C is cut. After its carat, the cut is probably the largest factor that impacts the ring’s price that average person can easily assess individually. Most people think the cut is the shape, such as pear or emerald. This is inaccurate. The cut alludes to how well it reflects light. The various cuts around the shape of the gem work in concert to either amplify or dull light. As with color, the cut impacts directly how brightly your ring will shine.
Once you have an idea of the stone quality you can afford, the next contributor to the price of diamond rings is the setting. The setting includes two features. There is the metal used for the band. Then there is any smaller stones set around the primary stone (if you have any at all).
About the Author: Find beautiful
Diamond Rings
. Use the help of the
Engagement Rings
to find a conflict free diamond that will leave your partner speechless.
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